Dr. Kandar, MAP
Deputy For Rescue, Preservation, And Archive Protection
This man who was born in Ngawi is an alumnus of the Bachelor of History Program, Faculty of Letters, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Master of Public Administration Program, STIA LAN RI, and Doctoral Program in History, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Indonesia. Throughout his career at ANRI, he served as Director of Acquisitions (2012) and Director of Preservation (2014). He was one of the initiators of the birth of the Family Archives Restoration Service (LARASKA). Through LARASKA, ANRI can contribute to protecting the civil rights of communities affected by disasters from the possibility of damage or destruction of community records. Awards he has received include receiving the SATYALANCANA KARYA SATYA XX Year Honorary Medal.
The Deputy for Archives Rescue, Preservation and Protection has the task of carrying out the formulation and implementation of policies in the field of archives rescue, preservation and protection.
a. formulating policies in the field of saving, preserving and protecting archives;
b. implementation of policies in the field of saving, preserving and protecting archives;
c. guidance in the field of saving, preserving and protecting archives;
d. preparation of norms, standards, procedures and criteria in the field of saving, preserving and protecting archives;
e. providing technical guidance and supervision in the field of saving, preserving and protecting archives;
f. monitoring, evaluation and reporting in the field of saving, preserving and protecting archives; And
g. implementation of other functions assigned by the Head.