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08.00 WIB - 15.00 WIB
Jl. Ampera Raya No. 7 Jakarta

International Workshop on Records Disposal and Transfer of Archives for SARBICA Member Countries & Timor Leste

International Workshop on Records Disposal and Transfer of Archives for SARBICA Member Countries & Timor Leste International Workshop on Records Disposal and Transfer of Archives for SARBICA Member Countries & Timor Leste


Nov 22

International Workshop on Records Disposal and Transfer of Archives for SARBICA Member Countries & Timor Leste

Jakarta - 01/11/22, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI) menyelenggarakan International Workshop on Records Disposal and Transfer of Archives for SARBICA Member Countries & Timor Leste, 1 November 2022. Acara workshop diselenggarakan secara daring dengan peserta dari para anggota SARBICA dan perwakilan Timor Leste. 

Dalam sambutannya, Kepala ANRI, Imam Gunarto menyampaikan sangat terhormat sekali ANRI telah diberikan kepercayaan untuk menyelenggarakan workshop ini. 

"It is an honor for the ANRI to once again collaborate with SARBICA in conducting a capacity building that today shall discuss about the records disposal and transfer of archives," ungkap Imam Gunarto. 

Imam Gunarto juga menambahkan bahwa tujuan dari kegiatan ini sebagai sarana untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam penyelenggaraan kearsipan. 

"The objective of today’s workshop is to share the knowledge and experience in the records disposal and transfer of archives by several countries not only in South East Asia, but also from the Netherlands. Therefore, we hope that participants could learn about the practice of records disposal and transfer of archives in other countries in order to develop the policy in their country," imbuhnya.


Adapun narasumber pada workshop, yakni Kit Geok Kam (National Archives of Singapore), Ehxia Dondonilla dan Mr. Abraham Aruca (National Archives of the Philippines), Afelonne Doek (National Archives of the Netherlands), Qahira (Alian for National Archives of Malaysia) dan Desi Pratiwi dari ANRI. Adapun moderator pada acara ini adalah Diana Sari dan Stella Sigrid Juliet dari ANRI.

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Editor : Sitty Annisaa


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