08.00 WIB - 15.00 WIB
Jl. Ampera Raya No. 7 Jakarta

28th SEAPAVAA Conference “Navigating New Horizons in Audiovisual Archiving”

SouthEast Asia – Pacific AudioVisual Archive Association (SEAPAVAA) has become the largest audiovisual archives community in the region of Asia and the Pacific. Following the results of the 26th SEAPAVAA Virtual General Assembly in 2022 and 27th SEAPAVAA General Assembly in 2023 at Pattaya, Thailand, Indonesia via the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) shall host the 28th SEAPAVAA Conference and General Assembly in 2024 at Surakarta, Central Java. The 28th SEAPAVAA Conference shall become the third SEAPAVAA’s event which held in Indonesia after the 2nd SEAPAVAA Conference in 1997 at Jakarta and the 13th SEAPAVAA Conference in 2009 at Bandung and Jakarta. It shall also be the first international event on archives that is held in Surakarta or also widely known Solo.

The theme of the 28th SEAPAVAA Conference is “Navigating New Horizons in Audiovisual Archiving”. The archiving world has experienced significant disruptions in multiple ways. The conference shall provide an excellent opportunity for attendees to explore the new horizons beckoning (and summoning) AV archives. The evolving archiving landscape is seeing technology and artificial intelligence rapidly advancing. Climate change and sustainability concerns are taking center stage, and imaginative collaborations are taking shape between archival institutions, creative industries, and beyond. The management of archives now requires resourceful, resilient, and inventive thinking and action.


The 28th SEAPAVAA Conference will take place in The Sunan Hotel Solo, Central Java, Indonesia for 6 (six) days from 9th to 14th June 2024 in a hybrid format (onsite and online). Please click here for the location.


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